Recruitment and Retention Strategies for the Diabetes RElated to Acute Pancreatitis and Its Mechanisms Study From the Type 1 Diabetes in Acute Pancreatitis Consortium


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Recruitment and retention of patients with acute pancreatitis (AP) in clinical studies can be challenging. While some obstacles are similar to other clinical conditions, some are unique to AP. Identifying potential barriers early and developing targeted solutions can help optimize recruitment and retention in AP studies. Such pre-emptive and detailed planning can help prospective, longitudinal studies focus on exocrine and endocrine complications of AP in accurately measuring outcomes. This article highlights the challenges in recruitment and retention strategies in AP studies and reviews available resources to create opportunities to address them. We describe the multifaceted approach used by the Recruitment and Retention Committee of the Type 1 Diabetes in Acute Pancreatitis Consortium, which builds upon earlier experiences to develop a recruitment and retention plan for the DREAM (Diabetes RElated to Acute pancreatitis and its Mechanisms) study.
acute pancreatitis, diabetes, enrollment, challenges and barriers, follow-up, AP, acute pancreatitis, CRC, clinical research coordinator, DCC, data coordinating center, DM, diabetes mellitus, DREAM, Diabetes RElated to Acute pancreatitis and its Mechanisms, EHR, electronic health records, IRB, institutional review board, NIDDK, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, RIC, recruitment innovation center, RRC, recruitment and retention committee, T1DAPC, Type 1 Diabetes in Acute Pancreatitis Consortium
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