Modern aspects of teaching geography (on the example of scientific and pedagogical project "intelligence of ukraine")

Academic Notes Series Pedagogical Science(2022)

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The article analyzes modern aspects of teaching geography on the example of the scientific and pedagogical project "Intellect of Ukraine" and the possibility of using educational and methodological developments of the project in teaching geography in general secondary education in Ukraine. Atypical educational programs operating within the regulatory framework of Ukraine are characterized, it is revealed that such educational programs and other educational materials have the necessary stamps of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and are aimed at improving the educational process, introducing new technologies. and give a comprehensive development of the child. In the course of the research, it was determined that one of such programs is the all-Ukrainian scientific and pedagogical project "Intellect of Ukraine" which aims to introduce into the national educational space a system of search, education, and upbringing of gifted and gifted children. The conceptual goal of this project in primary school is to create conditions for the formation of a socially mature, creative personality with a conscious civic position, a sense of national identity, prepared for professional self-determination, and capable of self-actualization in professional, social and personal spheres; to implement the basic ideas of STEM-education - the leading trend of modernization of educational systems of highly developed countries. The main advantages of the project are a strong scientific and methodological base; professional authors; the only scalable program in Ukraine; systemic medical and psychological support. The modern aspects of teaching geography in the example of the scientific and pedagogical project "Intellect of Ukraine" are analyzed and it is determined that teaching geography, according to the project, is more effective in learning through constant repetition, a large amount of information in a more accessible format. It was found that the biggest advantage is that in the scientific and pedagogical project acquaintance with geography begins in the first grade and lasts throughout the study, in addition, all disciplines, starting from primary school are focused on the natural cycle.
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teaching geography,pedagogical project,ukraine
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