A nonlinear wave-based model to study the magnetic turbulence generation associated with the nonlinear evolution of Kinetic Alfven Wave in laser-produced plasma relevant to laboratory and astrophysical plasmas


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A nonlinear wave-based model is introduced to understand the behaviour of the ion-scaled magnetic turbulence in the laser-produced plasmas generated during the high-intensity laser-plasma interaction. The coupled model equations are developed for the pump Kinetic Alfven Wave and the low-frequency Magnetosonic Wave by taking into account the ponderomotive nonlinearity. Numerical simulation is performed using the pseudo-spectral and the finite difference method to solve the model equations. The simulation results illustrate the nonlinear evolution of the pump wave at the early stage, which subsequently becomes turbulent. From the simulation results, the time-averaged turbulent power spectrum has been studied. The observed MHD type and KAW type plasma turbulence in different spatial scale lengths are nearly close to the magnetic turbulence reported in Chatterjee et al.12 experimental results. A semi-analytical method is also given to better understand the nonlinear evolution of the pump wave inside the plasma medium. Such studies of nonlinear wave-based models could be crucial in imitating the astrophysical phenomena by laboratory simulations and understanding the inherent essential physics of magnetic turbulence.
Laser-plasma Interaction,Nonlinear wave-based model,Kinetic Alfven Wave,Magnetosonics wave,Ponderomotive nonlinearity,Magnetic turbulence
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