Gold Mining, History and Today: The Case of Gümüşhane

Coğrafi Bilimler Dergisi(2022)

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The demand for mineral resources which brings about significant developments in the history and life of humanity is gradually increasing. The mines, whose names are given to historical ages, have been a necessary source of raw materials for human beings to survive. Today, mines are one of the factors that directly affect the country's economy. Gold, one of them, is a mine whose history is based on ancient history, its production has gained importance especially in recent years as a result of increasing demand and depleted resources. Turkey is a rich country with a 2% share in the world, with gold deposits of different geological characteristics and reserves of 513 tons. In addition, gold exploration activities continue intensively in Turkey, and annual production has increased to 42 tons. Despite this gold potential and production in Turkey, due to the fact that domestic demand is higher than production, the demand for gold cannot be met and it is imported. Gümüşhane is one of the provinces where gold production is intense. In this study, the importance of gold mining and gold mining in Gümüşhane are discussed by giving information about the history of gold mining.
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