Recent advances in precursor-derived ceramics integrated with two-dimensional materials


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The ceramization of polymeric precursors via thermal treatment represents a simple, fast and highly efficient method for producing polymer-derived ceramics (PDCs). PDCs integrating two-dimensional (2D) materials attracted special interest because they combine the diverse functionalities of 2D materials (electrical conductivity and catalytic performance) with the excellent intrinsic properties of PDCs, such as high-temperature stability, oxidation and corrosion resistance. This review focuses on recent development of the composites integrating PDC and 2D materials (PDC-2D composites). The methods used to prepare those materials and the relationship between as-prepared structures and property or functionality are discussed in detail. Then, the applications of PDC-2D composites in electromagnetic wave absorption and shielding, energy storage, hydrogen evolution, and electrothermal devices are also addressed.
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