Understanding how alcohol environment influences youth drinking: A concept mapping study among university students.


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The aim of the study was to identify the environmental factors that influence alcohol consumption, according to university students, and assess the relative importance and the frequency attributed to each factor. A study using Concept Mapping methodology was performed with a sample of nursing students, who participated in two face-to-face data collection sessions. In session 1, a consensus about the environmental aspects that influence their alcohol consumption was obtained. In session 2, the statements obtained were rated according to their relative importance and frequency in alcohol use (1 = minimum; 5 = maximum). Subsequently, all data were analyzed with the RCMAP of the statistical package R 3.6.1.Approximately 60 students participated in each session. Most were women aged 20 to 24. In session 1, a total of 55 statements were obtained and classified into 7 different clusters: Advertising (9 statements); Family environment (4 statements); Social pressure (12 statements); Responsibilities/norms (4 statements); Holidays and leisure time (7 statements); Emotional situations (8 statements); Accessibility (11 statements). Factors related to social pressure, holidays and leisure time, and alcohol accessibility were considered the most important and frequent in alcohol consumption. In contrast, alcohol advertising was considered the least important (mean 2.6 out of 5) and frequent (mean 2.1 out 5) factor. In conclusion, the factors considered most relevant among nursing students match those having more resources allocated for prevention and health promotion, except for alcohol advertising, which was perceived as less important and frequent compared with the other factors.
concept mapping,alcohol drinking,young adults,university student
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