An Intuitive VR-based Environment for Monitoring and Control of Electrical Power Substations

Procedia Computer Science(2022)

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A Virtual Reality System provides an intuitive tridimensional user interface, with distinct interaction when compared to a traditional 2D layout, allowing the user to manipulate data similar to the real world. Such systems give the users physical and cognitive immersion, by granting a mental model compatible with field operation. In this work, we present the development aspects and some results of a Virtual Reality based solution to provide a more natural and intuitive environment for controlling electrical operation centers. The solution intends to minimize the issues caused by the operation of electric power substations due to the lack of spatial and functional information on the traditional operation interfaces. The research is being carried out with the collaboration between the energy electric company of Minas Gerais–Brazil (CEMIG) and the Federal University of Uberlândia. Besides operating generation and transmission actives, the environment presents great potential for the training of operators and other professionals of support and maintenance.
Substations Operation,Operator Training,Virtual Reality,3D interfaces
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