Rupture of Bilateral Theca Lutein Cysts During Pregnancy: A Case Report.

Sowjanya Kurakula, Vandana Muralidharan, Lohith Chengappa Appaneravanda, Navya N, Gayathri K B


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Hyperreactio luteinalis is a rare condition characterized by the presence of bilateral theca lutein cysts, which occur rarely in a singleton normal pregnancy. Bilateral multicystic ovarian enlargement occurs due to elevated beta-human chorionic gonadotropin. We present a rare case of a 23-year-old primigravida in her tenth week of gestation, presenting with an acute abdomen, with increasing abdominal girth, diagnosed with a rupture of theca lutein cyst, and posted for laparotomy. Theca lutein cyst doesn't affect the course of pregnancy and has a spontaneous regression after delivery. Our case is different due to the occurrence of cysts in a singleton pregnancy and the rupture of these cysts during pregnancy. Unless complicated by torsion, rupture, or hemorrhage, most theca lutein cysts are managed conservatively.
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adnexal mass in the first trimester,case report,cyst rupture,hyperreactio luteinalis,theca lutein cysts during pregnancy
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