Recent metabolomic developments for antimalarial drug discovery

Parasitology research(2022)

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Malaria is a parasitic disease that remains a global health issue, responsible for a significant death and morbidity toll. Various factors have impacted the use and delayed the development of antimalarial therapies, such as the associated financial cost and parasitic resistance. In order to discover new drugs and validate parasitic targets, a powerful omics tool, metabolomics, emerged as a reliable approach. However, as a fairly recent method in malaria, new findings are timely and original practices emerge frequently. This review aims to discuss recent research towards the development of new metabolomic methods in the context of uncovering antiplasmodial mechanisms of action in vitro and to point out innovative metabolic pathways that can revitalize the antimalarial pipeline.
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Malaria,Mass spectrometry,Mechanism of action,Metabolomics,Nuclear magnetic resonance,Plasmodium sp.
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