The Development of the Cyberphysical System Concept on Base of the Interdisciplinary Theories

2020 IEEE 2nd International Conference on System Analysis & Intelligent Computing (SAIC)(2020)

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The analysis of the concept for the cyberphysical system (CPS) and the possibilities of its development are presented. CPS, consisting of physical models in the form of complex technical objects (CTO) and computational models, combined into a single logical information-communication environment, is considered. The main principle of CPS is a deep relationship between their physical and computational elements. The “brain” of the system in the form of artificial intelligence and other technologies receives the data from sensors in the real world, analyzes this data and uses it for further control of physical elements. The toolkit of guaranteed functioning of the CTO implements the proposed concept and strategy of solving the problem of ensuring the survivability of the functioning of the CTO under the influence of destabilizing risk factors and uncertainties of various natures. Proposed concept is carried out on the basis of methods and models of interdisciplinary scientific directions.
laws of systems theory,cyberphysical system,cognitive modeling,method,model,system analysis,guaranteed safety,systems methodology
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