Fault Tracking in Underground Distribution Systems: A Study Case

2022 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T&D)(2022)

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This article describes the development of a solution for fault location in underground distribution grids. The purpose of applying the solution is to make the fault location process faster and more assertive, in order to increase efficiency in the operation of the distribution system and improve the quality of services provided to society. Thus, there will be a decrease in complaints rates, increased customer satisfaction and mitigation of SAIDI/SAIFI. This article describes a proof of concept carried out with an equipment developed to identify failures in the medium voltage grids of a electrical utility in Brazil - ENEL Distribuição São Paulo. The studies presented in this article are part of the Urban Futurability (UF) Research and Development project. The UF project was carried out in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, in a region that has a high load density and around 20,000 consumer units of the residential and commercial type.
electrical utility,fault tracking,underground distribution systems,underground distribution grids,fault location process,customer satisfaction,medium voltage grids,SAIDI-SAIFI,Brazil,research & development project
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