Supremacy of Parliament Undermined by Irregular Promulgation of Ordinances (A Case Study with Reference to Pakistan)

Ahmad Usman,Amjad Hussain, Ms. Farah Amir

Journal of Law & Social Studies(2022)

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Pakistan claims to have parliamentary system of government under the Constitution of Pakistan 1973. First constituent assembly introduced a marvelous accumulation of supremacy of Islamic principles within the Constitutional framework based on ideology of liberation movement. The principles of this ideology have been given an overwhelming space in the preamble of Constitution. This claim boosted expectations of the nation to work out a political heritage of faith blended with proceeds of modern popular democratic culture. The governing system of State which had to strictly follow the Constitutional ideals seems to have misplaced its direction. It is in similarity of the colonial system against people struggled for their independence. Several reasons of failure have been alleged but the real cause is having no adherence for principles which the constituent assembly framed for the State Constitution. Resultantly, Constitutions of State (for no reason) were abrogated and held in abeyance twice under the executive decree. Dictatorial regimes promulgated series of irregular Ordinances and Provisional (un)Constitutional Orders. People and institutions needlessly were blamed for failure. State system took refuge in promulgation of Ordinances and autocratic Constitutional orders. Most of the Ordinances were used to implement arbitrary administrative actions and were given the colour of royal decree. Several Ordinances are being enforced regardless of their theoretical characteristics. This is reducing the parliamentary legislation inflicting serious blow to the grooming structure of State. The constitutionality of these Ordinances is still in question in superior courts. This study intends to determine the consequences of such extra-constitutional practices and the dimensions of loss to political system of State. The doctrinal method of research was adopted to conduct the study.
parliament undermined,ordinances,pakistan,irregular promulgation
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