Web Server and QR Decoder Applications for Xilinx FPGA Boards

2018 Zooming Innovation in Consumer Technologies Conference (ZINC)(2018)

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The microelectronic industry is undergoing dramatic changes nowadays. Every year faster and more advanced systems are released. They are capable of running more complex tasks than before for a fraction of a PCs price. The task of this paper is realization of two applications that run on an embedded system. The first one is a QR (Quick Response) image decoder and the second one is a web server. The requirement was for the QR decoder to decode a stream of images and for the web server to process certain HTTP requests. Most existing versions of these applications are designed to run on PCs. Since only a part of their functionalities were needed, the best solution was to develop the applications in C programming language and implement them on a system as bare-metal programs. With this approach the performance can be maximized and the development time of the software shortened.
QR decoder,web server,Xilinx Vivado SDK,FPGA boards,RTOS,Xilinx,JSON
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