Internal Wave Detection and Characterization with SAR data

Samvedya Surampudi, Sasamal Sasanka

2019 IEEE Recent Advances in Geoscience and Remote Sensing : Technologies, Standards and Applications (TENGARSS)(2019)

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Internal wave (IW) detection and characterization with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data has gained its significance to address ocean dynamics and operational activities of underwater objects. The present work explores the possibility of detecting internal waves in the SAR data collected in the waters of Indian Ocean. Methods are adopted using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and continuous wavelet transform (CWT) to detect and characterize internal waves using Sentinel-1 SAR data. One of the data sets examined for the Andaman Sea region have shown two packets of Internal waves with wavelengths around 150 m with its energy spreading westward. The other set of SAR data in the Mozambique region have shown a packet with wavelength around 50 m and energy found spreading westward. The work explores the possibilities of automatic detection of IWs in the Indian region using SAR data.
Internal waves,SAR images,Fourier Transform Method,Continous Wavelet Transform
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