Client Request Analysis Tool for CERN ALICE Grid Services

2020 International Conference on Computing and Data Science (CDS)(2020)

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ALICE is an experiment hosted at the CERN facilities in Geneva. The data collected by the experiment is distributed in multiple geo-locations. ALICE software development team is managing the technologies that offer a unitary view to the distributed resources. AliEn API Services and JAliEn Services are used by the researchers to access and analyze the collected data. The ALICE developers cannot analyze the client-server interactions, while the only information available is gathered in the log files. The main requirement of the project is to provide an analysis tool to extract vital information out the log files. The tool is tested against log files generated by the ALICE production servers and is deployed on a custom ALICE-owned instance. As of June 2020, the project is being used by the developers to extract near real-time viable requests information and have a correct picture of the researcher's interaction with the services.
distributed,ALICE experiment,analyse,logs
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