Working mode of oncology surgical pharmacy in China.

Farmacia hospitalaria : organo oficial de expresion cientifica de la Sociedad Espanola de Farmacia Hospitalaria(2022)

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Surgery plays an irreplaceable role in the prevention, diagnosis, staging, reconstruction, and rehabilitation in the overall management of cancer. Nevertheless, it is difficult for surgeons and nurses to take into account the details of medication management, considering the impact of  surgery on the patient's physical function and the complexity of anti-tumor  treatment with comorbidity. The pharmaceutical care services previously  provided by pharmacists in oncology focus more on the internal medicine  system, not widely the surgical field. At present, the pharmaceutical working  mode in oncology surgery has not well been formed around China, and the  whole process medication management needs to be improved. In 2015, the  GuangDong Pharmaceutical Association came up with the concept of  surgical pharmacist in China and subsequently created its position. In 2021, the GuangDong Pharmaceutical Association established a new discipline  termed "surgical pharmacy", which is the knowledge system of surgical pharmacists, and also tried to differentiate surgical pharmacy into  diverse areas, such as oncology surgical pharmacy. This article introduced a  working mode of surgical pharmacists in China that providing pharmaceutical  care services in perioperative period around anti-tumor, anti- infection, anesthesia, anticoagulation, blood pressure, blood glucose, nutrition, and pain management, to improve quality of life for patients.
Oncology surgical pharmacy,Perioperative period,Medication therapy management
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