Implementation of a methodology to assess patient reported outcomes in lung cancer patients: The PeOpLe (Patient-reported Outcomes in Lung cancer) study protocol

Farmacia hospitalaria : organo oficial de expresion cientifica de la Sociedad Espanola de Farmacia Hospitalaria(2022)

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The PeOpLe study will explore how patient-reported outcomes collection can be developed and integrated with the clinical processes used in  the management of patients with locally advanced or metastatic nonsmall cell  lung cancer what patient-reported outcomes can be measured with systems  that can conveniently be used both by patients and by healthcare providers.  Systematic evaluation of patient-reported outcomes will help determine their  impact in terms of effectiveness (survival), safety (complications of systemic  therapy), and quality of life and patient satisfaction. The multidisciplinary and  multicenter nature of the study will facilitate a comprehensive view of the  subject analyzed and allow external reproducibility.
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Key words
Quality of life,Lung cancer,Protocol,Oncology,Patient-reported outcomes
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