A geography-based decision support tool to quantify the circular bioeconomy and financial performance in the forest-based sector (r.forcircular)

European Journal of Forest Research(2022)

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This study focuses on the development, implementation and application of a spatial-based decision support tool—named r.forcircular—aimed at quantifying both the level of the circular bioeconomy and the financial performance in the forest-based sector. The methodology merges a set of indicators based on the 4R framework (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover) of circular economy in a multicriteria approach. Outputs are computed for different scenarios and are calibrated based on variations in the selling price of raw materials and on higher mechanisation of production process phases (felling, processing, extraction and chipping of wood residues). The increase in wood assortment value leads to an improvement in the sustainability of the forest-wood supply chain in circular bioeconomy and financial terms. The application of a higher level of mechanisation seems to have conflicting results compared to those of other scenarios. The r.forcircular model was tested in an Italian case study (in the Municipality Union of Valdarno and Valdisieve in the Tuscany region, Italy) with the aim of understanding its applicability and replicability in other contexts. The results of the test showed that, in the study area, superior outcomes were observed for high forests than for coppices due to the low value of wood products obtainable from coppices.
Forest-wood supply chain,Provisioning services,Sustainability,Spatial analysis,Multicriteria evaluation
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