A Review on Neurodegenerative Diseases with their Suitable Animal Models

Pavan B. Udavant,Rahul R. Sable,Shubham J. Khairnar,Sonali R. Chavan, Apurva P. Torane, Gayatri N. Kanade, Musab Tanzeel R. Ahmed

Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia(2022)

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Neurodegeneration is one of the common disease conditions globally. The animal models give resemblance to these disease conditions. By using various animal models it can be easy to study the disease in detail with their pathology, history, mechanism of drug. Animal models are crucial for researchers to find out preventing measures of neurodegenerative diseases. The intention of writing this review paper is to give a brief idea about neurodegenerative disorder and the possible animal models that are recently in use with their short introduction. This paper also explains the future expected animal model that should overcome the previous model’s lacuna. Neurodegeneration is a global health concern now. So to study disease pathology and finding advanced therapy is a challenge. For thorough understanding of this condition there are various animal models that provide deep information at molecular and cellular level. The genetic models are also present that mainly concern for mutation and studying the factors that contribute to the happening of disease conditions. It will be fruitful to study such factors that are responsible for causing disease, so that one can treat conditions by preventing or stopping the genetic risk factors by various drug mechanisms. Studying the neurodegeneration process using animal models is quite interesting.
neurodegenerative diseases,suitable animal models,animal models
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