Heat flux estimation from borehole temperatures acquired during logging while tripping: a case study with the sea floor drill rig MARUM-MeBo

Marine Geophysical Research(2022)

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During trip out of the drill string at the end of a drilling operation (logging while tripping) borehole temperatures can be measured without the need for additional operational time. A simple interpretation of the measured borehole temperatures is difficult due to the interfering influences of the drilling operations, mainly due to flushing the borehole during drilling. In this study, we present borehole temperature data from drilling campaigns with the sea floor drill rig MARUM-MeBo200 at the Danube Deep Sea Fan (Black Sea) and west of Taiwan (South China Sea). The temperature measurements were conducted with a PT1000 temperature sensor which is integrated in a memory acoustic borehole logging tool. We developed a modeling approach in order to simulate the drilling perturbations and subsequent evolution of the temperature field within the borehole. By fitting the model data to the measured time dependent temperature depth profiles, we estimated the undisturbed heat flux at the drill sites. This study shows that knowledge of the pattern of drilling operations with alternating phases of drilling/flushing and drill string handling is crucial for comparing temperatures measured during logging while tripping and simulated temperatures.
MeBo sea floor drill rig,Borehole logging,Borehole temperature,Geothermal heat flux
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