Using segmentation to potentially identify diverse future leaders

SN Social Sciences(2022)

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This exploratory study’s contribution offers predictors that potentially identify diverse future leaders. Its motivation stems from ambiguous research regarding how leaders ultimately rise to their positions. Using a segmentation strategy, a sample of 1943 participants in the Southeast and mid-Atlantic United States was grouped according to its views regarding future leadership. The segmentation strategy was used to level the “playing field” so all qualified candidates, regardless of their socioeconomic status, have equitable opportunity to potentially receive leadership training. (The playing field is where those with advantaged socioeconomic status are trained for leadership programs while those without such status rarely receive these opportunities.) The unit of analysis is those who self-report viewing themselves as less likely to potentially be identified as future leaders. Understanding their viewpoints helps to posit ways for these unlikely leaders who possess much talent to potentially become involved in leadership programs. If identified, candidates representative of this diverse segment could potentially become future leaders. Differences emerged between groups (e.g., education, current behaviors, past/current beliefs, expected future behavior), comprising independent variables for multiple regression to “Potentially Identify Diverse Future Leaders.” The regression equation predicted 57.1% of the explanation in variance regarding this dependent variable for the segment of interest. Though perhaps thought to be obvious by some, this research reinforces the notion that this segment of potential leaders needs to be nurtured carefully regarding beliefs in its future role pertaining specifically to the workplace and its general view of the future as a whole.
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Volunteerism, Leadership, Disenfranchised, Segmentation
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