Evolution of the Correlation Between the Amplitude of the Solar Cycle and the Sunspot Number Since the Previous Declining Phase in Both Hemispheres

Solar Physics(2022)

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nalyzing the variation in the correlation between the maximum amplitude [ R_max ] of the solar cycle and the hemispheric sunspot number [ R_H ], since the previous declining phase, is helpful in understanding the temporal evolution of the cycle and the possible different mechanisms at work in the two hemispheres. The correlation coefficient [ r ] between R_max and the smoothed monthly mean R_H as a function of m=- 50,- 49, … , 50 months from the solar minimum [ R_min ] is studied, and it is found that r is maximum about three years before R_min at the declining phase, falls to a minimum value around R_min , and increases with m during the rising phase in both hemispheres. Based on the highest correlations at the declining phase, the maximum amplitudes of Cycle 25 in the northern [NH] and southern hemisphere [SH] are predicted to be R_max,N(25)=85.6± 21.9 and R_max,S(25)=74.4± 17.9 , respectively. Using data at the rising phase, R_max,N(25)=84.0± 26.7 and R_max,S(25)=88.3± 16.8 . The average values are R_max,N(25)= 84.8± 24.3 and R_max,S(25)=81.4± 17.4 . According to the weak correlation between the rise time and R_max , the peak times of Cycle 25 in the NH and SH are predicted to be November 2023 ± 10 months and July 2024 ± 10 months, respectively. Employing the strong correlation between the amplitude of the total sunspot number [ R_max,T ] and those of R_H in both hemispheres ( r=0.99 ), the amplitude of Cycle 25 is predicted to be R_max,T(25)=139.7± 28.7 and 152.3± 31.5 using data at the declining and rising phases, respectively, with an average value of 146.0± 30.1 .
Solar activity, sunspots, solar cycle,Correlation,Prediction,N–S asymmetry
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