Review on the Applications of Multichannel Analysis of Surface Wave (MASW) in Indian Subcontinent

Singh Neeraj,Imam Ashhad, Bera Sourav,Sharma Keshav K.,Kumar Virendra, Srivastava A. K. L.

Advances in Structural Mechanics and Applications(2022)

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The classification of the site is a crucial step in the planning, development, and long-term efficiency of all forms of geotechnical structures, including substructures, excavations, earth dams, embankments, seismic hazards, environmental concerns, tunnels, and offshore structures. As a result, soil characteristics must be considered before making a final decision on a building's report, design, and construction. Several geotechnical and geophysical methods were used to obtain the subsurface profile and associated properties. Multichannel surface wave analysis is one of the most recent advancements in geophysics that can characterize the site up to a depth of several meters. Data acquisition, dispersion analysis and inversion analysis are the 3 stages of MASW site characterization. MASW is a non-invasive seismic exploration approach that characterizes the subsurface material by estimating the Profile of shear wave velocity through the medium using surface wave propagation. One of the most important engineering parameters for determining the dynamics properties of soil is shear wave velocity, which has a direct relationship with soil stiffness. In this study, the applications of MASW in the Indian Subcontinent were examined. Many of the authors researched the Indo Gangetic Basin, Assam, Delhi, Jabalpur, Vijayawada, Bangalore, IIT Guwahati, Himachal Pradesh Kumaon district, and other parts of India on subsurface characterization, bridge base soil profiling, weathered and engineering rock depth profile, river bed profile, and comparative analysis of borehole shear wave velocity, among other things.
MASW, Inversion analysis, Weathered rock, Engineering rock, Shear wave velocity
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