An Overview on Digital Content Watermarking

Qi Wang,Yue Bei, Wangdu Chen,Xinghao Pan,Zhipeng Cheng, Shaokang Wang, Yizhao Wang,Chenwei Wang

Signal and Information Processing, Networking and Computers(2022)

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With the rapid development of multimedia technology, balancing multimedia visual enjoyment and information security has become one of the hot spots of current research. Due to the complexity and the cost of video content production, the corresponding video services face many security challenges, and higher requirements for the protection of video content copyright are also been put forward. Among them, digital watermarking technology is a typical information hiding method, which covers text, image and video. In the case of copyright disputes, watermark has become an important way to confirm the copyright and identity information. Digital watermarking technology uses the redundancy and randomness of media content data to embed the cipher text of copyright identification into the protected data. Except for data processing, the rest is invisible to ensure high security. This paper summarizes the current research progress of digital watermarking technology and digital watermarking algorithms, and then puts forward possible research directions in the future.
Video, Digital watermark, Digital rights management, Attack, Robustness
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