Scientific aspects of Janapadodhwansa Vyadhi (epidemic disorders) according to Ayurveda in the context to Jwara—An epidemiological and Trisutra-based approach

AishwaryaA Joglekar,MaheshK Vyas,MeeraK Bhojani

Journal of Indian System of Medicine(2022)

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Background: Ayurveda was oriented with the management of various epidemic-like situations. Acharya Charaka has explained the concept of Janapadodhwansa (~the destruction of human community at a large scale) in Vimanasthana of the treatise Charaka Samhita. The concept of Janapadodhwansa is a mirror of the disease origin, spread, and control in the population. Aim: The aim was to critically analyze the concepts of Janapadodhwansa and epidemiology in the purview of Ayurveda and contemporary research. Materials and Methods: The concepts of epidemiology were critically analyzed in the purview of the concept of Janapadodhwansa in Ayurveda. The robust search of literature from research databases, published literature, and contemporary sciences was done to incorporate the related aspects. Observations: The major Hetu (~etiological factors) in the manifestation of Janapododhwansa can be correlated with the environmental, host, and agent components of the epidemiological triad. The four Hetu namely Vayu (~ air), Jala (~water), Desha (~environmental pollution), and Kaala (~seasonal impact) focus largely on the environment aspect of epidemiological triad, which includes host, agent, and environment, whereas the Adharma (behavioral factors) deals with the host and agent aspects. The management of epidemics explained in Ayurveda covers all the aspects of physical, mental, social, and spiritual health facilitating the promotion and preservation of health during such conditions. Jwara (~fever) is described as a condition representing the primary presentation of Janapadodhwansa, whereas other modalities such as Rasayana Sevana, Sadvritta are also rightfully discussed. Conclusions: The aspects of origin and spread of diseases like Jwara (~fever) as mentioned under the umbrella of Janapadodhwansa are similar and applicable to concepts of epidemiological triad and epidemiology in general.
ayurveda,janapadodhwansa vyadhi,epidemic disorders,jwara—an,trisutra-based
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