Ship-based cal/val campaigns

Field Measurements for Passive Environmental Remote Sensing(2023)

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The vast global surface area and thermal inertia of the world’s oceans renders them a critical component of the Earth’s weather and climate system, but their lack of accessibility to humans also renders them extremely difficult to observe and measure in their integral whole using traditional in situ observing methods. Field measurements in support of ocean remote sensing include intensive campaigns that must be conducted from ships, especially in remote locations, where such data are otherwise sparse or nonexistent. This chapter discusses the importance of ship-based campaigns for satellite remote sensing. A basic introduction to ship platforms, specifically oceanographic research vessels, is presented, along with the various instrumentation, data, techniques, and strategies needed for performing successful ship-based campaigns. Discussion includes the logistical issues and challenges associated with ship-based campaigns and instrument deployments, including both atmospheric and oceanographic measurements. Attention is also given to historical and contemporary campaigns of note, along with some of the more prominent passive satellite applications, including emission-based IR/MW and reflectance-based solar-spectrum sensor systems. These campaigns are noteworthy for field data contributions that led to notable advances in the science of passive environmental remote sensing.
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