Telecommuting and Employee Productivity: Mediating Role of Work-Family Conflict and Autonomy

Noor Aini Jaafar,Ramita Abdul Rahim


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A flexible work arrangement known as telecommuting enables employees to work remotely from their homes or other locations. Telecommuting work arrangements demonstrate that work is no longer a place but rather what you do, and this new working model is expected to persist and become more popular. Even with inevitable quibbles, their similarities outweigh their differences and provide more benefits to both firms and employees. Despite its significance, the implementation of telecommuting has caused some firms to question how effective their employees are at work. Here, the researchers use two mediating variables to identify the association and interactions of autonomy and work-family conflict with employee productivity. This study used a quantitative research design, convenience sampling technique, and sample size of 155, and data were analyzed with Smart PLS. The key inside this paper is indicated that autonomy mediates and has a crucial influence on employee productivity. The telecommuters were to have more control over their schedules, making it easier to balance work and personal obligations and possibly reducing stress and improving work-life balance, which contributes to better performance.
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Key words
telecommuting,work-family conflict,autonomy,employee productivity
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