Adult-onset autoimmune diabetes


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Adult-onset autoimmune (AOA) diabetes pathophysiology starts with immune changes, followed by dysglycaemia and overt disease. AOA diabetes can occur as classic type 1 diabetes when associated with severe loss of insulin secretion. More frequently, it is diagnosed as latent autoimmune diabetes in adults, a slowly progressing form with late onset, a long period not requiring insulin, and it is often misdiagnosed as type 2 diabetes. As its clinical presentation varies remarkably and immune markers often lack specificity, it is challenging to classify each case ad hoc, especially when insulin treatment is not required at diagnosis. Proper care of AOA diabetes aims to prevent complications and to improve quality of life and life expectancy. To achieve these goals, attention should be paid to lifestyle factors, with the aid of pharmacological therapies properly tailored to each individual clinical setting. Given the heterogeneity of the disease, choosing the right therapy for AOA diabetes is challenging. Most of the trials testing disease-modifying therapies for autoimmune diabetes are conducted in people with childhood onset, whereas non-insulin diabetes therapies have mostly been studied in the larger population with type 2 diabetes. More randomized controlled trials of therapeutic agents in AOA diabetes are needed.
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Diabetes,Medicine/Public Health,general,Epidemiology,Internal Medicine,Quality of Life Research,Medical Microbiology,Cancer Research
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