Syrian refugee women's breastfeeding behaviors and use of contraceptive methods: a qualitative study


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While migration leads to massive changes in women's lives, it brings along reproductive health issues as well. Determining the issues experienced by migrant women on fertility, breastfeeding and use of contraceptive methods and providing recommended solutions are important for planning and quality of maternal and child health services to be provided to women. The aim of this study is to evaluate the breastfeeding behaviors and contraceptive use of Syrian refugee women who have given birth. The study was conducted at an obstetrics and gynecology clinic of a state hospital in Ankara, Turkey, in 2018-2019. The study used a phenomenological pattern as a qualitative research method. The sample of the study consisted of 15 married Syrian refugee women of reproductive age (from 18 to 49 years of age) who gave birth before. Data collected were grouped under five main themes as "initiation of breastfeeding," "maintenance of breastfeeding and traditional practices," "situations affecting the decision of introducing complementary feeding," "use and awareness of contraceptive method," and "having a child from individual and social perspectives." Our study determined that knowledge and use of contraceptive methods and breastfeeding by Syrian women are insufficient. It is important to overcome the barriers to access to safe motherhood, reproductive health and protective health services.
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Breastfeeding, contraception, qualitative study, Syrian refugee women
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