Pion-mediated Cooper pairing of neutrons: beyond the bare vertex approximation

Hao-Fu Zhu, Guo-Zhu Liu


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In some quantum many particle systems, the fermions could form Cooper pairs by exchanging intermediate bosons. This then drives a superconducting phase transition or a superfluid transition. Such transitions should be theoretically investigated by using proper non-perturbative methods. Here we take the neutron superfluid transition as an example and study the Cooper pairing of neutrons mediated by neutral & pi;-mesons in the low-density region of a neutron matter. We perform a non-perturbative analysis of the neutron-meson coupling and compute the pairing gap & UDelta;, the critical density & rho; ( c ), and the critical temperature T ( c ) by solving the Dyson-Schwinger equation of the neutron propagator. We first carry out calculations under the widely used bare vertex approximation and then incorporate the contribution of the lowest-order vertex correction. This vertex correction is not negligible even at low densities and its importance is further enhanced as the density increases. The transition critical line on density-temperature plane obtained under the bare vertex approximation is substantially changed after including the vertex correction. These results indicate that the vertex corrections play a significant role and need to be seriously taken into account.
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non-perturbative field theory,neutron-meson interaction,neutron superfluid,Dyson-Schwinger equation
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