Mass-Accreting Pulsating Components of Algols


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We present a review of the latest results of studies of the class of mass-accreting pulsating components of semi-detached eclipsing binaries known as oEA stars. The application of the techniques of asteroseismology to this class of stars unlocks new pathways for gaining a deeper understanding of the short-term evolution and magnetic activity of binary stars. We report the discovery of 49 new pulsating components of eclipsing binaries, based on data from NASA’s TESS space telescope. Recent observational results on the pulsation characteristics of these stars are summarized. The effects of the interaction of the magnetic and spot activity of the Roche-lobe-filling component of a system with the pulsations of the mass-accreting component are discussed.
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Key words
stars,binaries,eclipsing-stars,delta scuti stars,oscillatingstars
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