Measuring Quantum Entanglement from Local Information by Machine Learning


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Entanglement is a key property in the development of quantum technologies and in the study of quantum many-body simulations. However, entanglement measurement typically requires quantum full-state tomography (FST). Here we present a neural network-assisted protocol for measuring entanglement in equilibrium and non-equilibrium states of local Hamiltonians. Instead of FST, it can learn comprehensive entanglement quantities from single-qubit or two-qubit Pauli measurements, such as R\'enyi entropy, partially-transposed (PT) moments, and coherence. It is also exciting that our neural network is able to learn the future entanglement dynamics using only single-qubit traces from the previous time. In addition, we perform experiments using a nuclear spin quantum processor and train an adoptive neural network to study entanglement in the ground and dynamical states of a one-dimensional spin chain. Quantum phase transitions (QPT) are revealed by measuring static entanglement in ground states, and the entanglement dynamics beyond measurement time is accurately estimated in dynamical states. These precise results validate our neural network. Our work will have a wide range of applications in quantum many-body systems, from quantum phase transitions to intriguing non-equilibrium phenomena such as quantum thermalization.
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