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Topological links in predicted protein complex structures reveal limitations of AlphaFold

Communications Biology(2023)

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AlphaFold is making great progress in protein structure prediction, not only for single-chain proteins but also for multi-chain protein complexes. When using AlphaFold-Multimer to predict protein-protein complexes, we observed some unusual structures in which chains are looped around each other to form topologically intertwining links at the interface. Based on physical principles, such topological links should generally not exist in native protein complex structures unless covalent modifications of residues are involved. Although it is well known and has been well studied that protein structures may have topologically complex shapes such as knots and links, existing methods are hampered by the chain closure problem and show poor performance in identifying topologically linked structures in protein-protein complexes. Therefore, we address the chain closure problem by using sliding windows from a local perspective and propose an algorithm to measure the topological-geometric features that can be used to identify topologically linked structures. An application of the method to AlphaFold-Multimer-predicted protein complex structures finds that approximately 1.72% of the predicted structures contain topological links. The method presented in this work will facilitate the computational study of protein-protein interactions and help further improve the structural prediction of multi-chain protein complexes. An efficient computational method detects the topological links in the protein complex structures and finds that the topological links nearly do not exist in PDB experimentally determined structures but exist in the AlphaFold2-Multimer predicted models.
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