Thalamus sends information about arousal but not valence to the amygdala


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Rationale The basolateral amygdala (BLA) and medial geniculate nucleus of the thalamus (MGN) have both been shown to be necessary for the formation of associative learning. While the role that the BLA plays in this process has long been emphasized, the MGN has been less well-studied and surrounded by debate regarding whether the relay of sensory information is active or passive. Objectives We seek to understand the role the MGN has within the thalamoamgydala circuit in the formation of associative learning. Methods Here, we use optogenetics to dissect the MGN-BLA circuit and explore the specific subpopulations for evidence of learning and synthesis of information that could impact downstream BLA encoding. We employ various machine learning techniques to investigate function within neural subpopulations. We introduce a novel method to investigate tonic changes across trial-by-trial structure, which offers an alternative approach to traditional trial-averaging techniques. Results We find that the MGN appears to encode arousal but not valence, unlike the BLA which encodes for both. We find that the MGN and the BLA appear to react differently to expected and unexpected outcomes; the BLA biased responses toward reward prediction error and the MGN focused on anticipated punishment. We uncover evidence of tonic changes by visualizing changes across trials during inter-trial intervals (baseline epochs) for a subset of cells. Conclusion We conclude that the MGN-BLA projector population acts as both filter and transferer of information by relaying information about the salience of cues to the amygdala, but these signals are not valence-specified. Preface In tribute to Nadia Chaudhri, and her discoveries regarding how contexts can modulate the representation of cues in the amygdala ([Sciascia et al., 2015][1]), and other mesolimbic circuit components ([Chaudhri et al., 2009][2], [2008][3]; [Valyear et al., 2020][4]), here we explore what information processing precedes entry into the basolateral amygdala (BLA) from the thalamus and develop visualization approaches for exploring across-trial temporal dynamics in addition to within-trial population activity. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest. [1]: #ref-41 [2]: #ref-10 [3]: #ref-9 [4]: #ref-48
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