Semiconductor plasmonics and metamaterials for IR applications

P. Loren,P. Fehlen,J. Guise, F. Barho, M. Najem, F. Gonzalez-Posada-Flores,S. Blin,L. Cerutti, R. Smaali,E. Centeno,T. Taliercio


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In this paper, III-IV semiconductors are demonstrated as strong candidates for plasmonics applications in the Mid-IR. The perfect absorbers (PA) fabricated with heavily doped semiconductors features strong coupling between Fabry-Perot and localized surface plasmon modes. Also, anisotropic nano-antenna fabricated at the top surface yield a huge anisotropy to the polarized light. The fabricated PA with 2D periodic arrays of rectangular nano-antenna is presented, where the rectangular shape allows one to excite localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPR) at different wavenumbers depending on the polarization of the incident light. Preliminary results of the bio-functionalization through phosphonic acid are shown for the PA aditionnally. Furthermore, it becomes clear that it is possible to detect bio-molecules of interest even far in the infrared on a very small surface and with a few hundreds of nano-antenna.
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Key words
Heavily doped semiconductor, Biosensing, active plasmonics, mid-infrared spectroscopy, THz spectroscopy
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