Radiotherapy and Immunotherapy, Combined Treatment for Unresectable Mucosal Melanoma with Vaginal Origin


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Gynecologic melanomas are uncommon and malignant mucosal melanomas with vaginal origin are extremely rare, treatment strategies are limited and extrapolated from those of cutaneous melanoma. A better understanding of the vulvovaginal melanoma's biology and its risk factors is needed. Therapeutic strategies include surgery, systemic therapy and radiotherapy. For vulvovaginal melanoma, surgery is selected as the primary treatment. Immunotherapy and target treatment have recently enhanced the systemic therapy for cutaneous melanoma (CM). Immunotherapy and new target agents demonstrated a better survival of melanoma and might be considered as treatment of vulvovaginal melanoma. Radiotherapy is included in the therapeutic arsenal for mucosal melanoma and may be performed on selected patients who may receive concurrent checkpoints and inhibition neoadjuvant radiotherapy with the purpose of reducing morbidity and mortality.
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gynecologic melanomas, mucosal melanomas, vulvovaginal melanomas, immunotherapy, radiotherapy
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