A Blockchain-Based IoT-Enabled E-Waste Tracking and Tracing System for Smart Cities


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Recycling of electronic waste is a rapidly growing global issue that requires proper monitoring and tracing of electronic devices and the business transactions between the stakeholders. The majority of current systems that manage electronic devices throughout their supply chain stages are centralized and lack data transparency, immutability, and security. Specifically, such systems are incapable of handling problems like comprehensive coverage of the life cycle of e-products, access control for maintaining data security, reputation-aware selection of stakeholders, and large amounts of data generated during various stages of the supply chain processes. In this paper, we propose a blockchain-based IoT-enabled system for monitoring all post-production business processes, activities, and operations performed on an electronic device. The system is supported by five smart contracts that record the actions of users on the immutable distributed ledger that aid in ensuring that the business processes carried out by the participants are transparent, traceable, and secure. To store large files, such as images of e-waste materials, products, and licenses for stakeholders, we have integrated our system with a distributed storage system. The proposed system is tested on Ethereum blockchain to check the gas consumption of the functions of the smart contracts. The cost and security analysis shows that the proposed system is viable.
Electronic waste, Blockchains, Stakeholders, Waste management, Supply chains, Security, Consumer electronics, Internet of Things, Smart cities, Blockchain, smart cities, security, e-waste, traceability, IoT, Ethereum
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