Preparation of Thermodesorption Tube Standards: Comparison of Usual Methods Using Accuracy Profile Evaluation

Clement De Saint Jores, Romain Klein, Agathe Legendre, Jose Dugay, Didier Thiebaut, Jerome Vial


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In order to quantify organic impurities in gas produced from renewable sources, thermal desorption coupled with GC-MS or GCxGC-MS is very useful. However, the preparation of the standard tubes appears not to be trivial. For that, different strategies, based on commercial setups, have been developed. The goal of this study was to compare the classical manual deposit of a liquid standard solution with other commercial methods such as gas stream assisted deposit and vaporization followed by adsorption assisted by gas stream. A standard mixture of 48 compounds from different families was used for the comparison of the performances of the three strategies using the accuracy profile methodology. A global validation score was attributed to each strategy as well as a score according to family of compounds and boiling point range, in order to provide a detailed comparison of the techniques. On the set of studied molecules, commercial setups were found to be more efficient than the manual deposit.
thermal desorption,quantification,accuracy profile,GCxGC-TOFMS
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