Morphological revision of Simulium (Gomphostilbia) ogatai (Rubtsov) in the S. ceylonicum species-group (Diptera: Simuliidae) from Japan

H. Takaoka,Y. Otsuka,M. Fukuda, V. L. Low,Z. Ya'cob


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Simulium (Gomphostilbia) ogatai (Rubtsov) from Japan, the only Palaearctic species in the S. ceylonicum species-group, is morphologically revised. Its female is described for the first time and its male and pupa are redescribed based on specimens from Gifu, Honshu. It is characterized in the female and male by the base of the radius with a tuft of yellow hairs, in the female by the head slightly wider than the thorax, 5.89 times as wide as the greatest width of the frons, and short sensory vesicle 0.21???0.24 times as long as the third palpal segment; in the male by the number of upper-eye (large) facets in 15 vertical columns and 16 horizontal rows, and hind basitarsus spindle-shaped, enlarged, 3.79 times as long as wide, and 0.83 and 1.00 times as wide as the greatest width of the hind tibia and femur, respectively; and in the pupa by the terminal hooks simple and cone-like, and the cocoon with an anterodorsal projection. Taxonomic notes for this species are given relevant to several related species in the Oriental Region, and its assignment to the S. ceylonicum species-group is confirmed.
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Key words
Black fly, taxonomy, biting insects
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