Extension of the Modeling Tool Suite for Development of Embedded Systems for the Space Domain

Hugo Vaente, Mgue A. de MgueL, Jess Zurera, Angel G.Perez,Alejandro Alonso,Juan Zamorano,Juan A. de la Puente


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As code complexity continues to increase, software development methods must support the handling of this complexity and reduce development failures. Model-based systems engineering (MBSE) is a modeling-centered development method that provides support to maintain consistency of different phases of the life cycle. Automatic code generation tools were created to reuse software solutions and design patterns and reduce development errors in the software development process, based on automatic model transformations and code generators. However, the use of these tools requires their adaptation to specific platforms and domains since tools only support certain functionalities. What determines how to approach the design of the system are the functionalities provided by the tools available rather than the user needs. In this paper, we propose a way to extend the elements supported by modelling tool suites for real-time embedded systems for the space domain. This enables developers to have greater flexibility by allowing them to modify their tool suite to fit their needs.
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Key words
embedded software,real-time systems,MBSE,reliable systems,automatic code generation,TASTE
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