Attenuation of Human Growth Hormone-Induced Rash With Graded Dose Challenge

Jake Mann,Dennis Caruana, Evelyn Luo, Eric Gottesman, Nidhi Agrawal, Daniel Lozeau, Justina Hessel, Melissa Neumann,Sameer Khanijo, Zubair Hasan, Khizer Rizvi, Regina Gunther, Daniel Donovan, Derek Chan,Mary Lee-Wong,Anthony M. Szema


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Adult growth hormone (GH) deficiency is rare and requires replacement with extrinsic/synthetic injection. GH hypersensitivity has been reported; specifically, atopic patients may develop rashes from somatotropin therapy. Allergic and non-allergic skin reactions to recombinant human GH are uncommon and infrequently reported. We describe a graded-dose challenge with intravenous Norditropin (R) in a 65-year-old atopic adult woman who developed a severe whole-body rash with Norditropin FlexPro (R) administration on several occasions but was negative on skin-prick testing to Norditropin (R) percutaneously and intradermally, but the patch testing was positive for gold and nickel. The patient was registered as a direct admission to the emergency room at a university hospital for a rapid antigen coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) testing after having received two COVID-19 vaccinations and re-testing four months after vaccination. She was then directly admitted to a non-COVID-19 intensive care unit with direct bedside supervision by a registered nurse and a physician board certified in internal medicine, allergy/immunology, and pulmonary diseases. The patient brought a Norditropin (R) pen which our pharmacy team attached to a compatible syringe for dilutions. A graded dose challenge at a final dosage of 0.1 mL was performed and the patient was monitored for allergic and other adverse drug reactions, which did not occur. At the time of writing this case report, the patient has been maintained on Norditropin FlexPro (R) 0.1 mL and has not experienced any adverse reactions, including recurrent skin eruptions. The case presented is the first to describe a patient who successfully tolerated a graded dose challenge of an adult patient to GH replacement therapy (as Norditropin (R)) under supervision in an intensive care unit, whereas prior to reporting of this case, a graded dose challenge to GH replacement therapy had only been successfully performed in a child using another formulation of somatotropin (Humatrope (R)). Hence, this case lends support that graded dose challenge with somatotropin analogs may be considered for patients with isolated GH deficiency such as in the case presented here.
familial human growth hormone deficency,growth hormone replacement therapy,growth hormone therapy,growth hormone deficiency,growth hormone,desensitization,urticaria,atopic dermatitis,human growth hormone deficiency
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