Spin squeezing enhanced dual species atom interferometric accelerometer employing large momentum transfer for precision test of the equivalence principle


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We theoretically investigate the feasibility of applying spin squeezing to a light pulse atom interferometer in the presence of large momentum transfer using off-resonant Raman transitions, in order to enhance the sensitivity of accelerometry close to the Heisenberg limit. We also show how to implement this scheme in a dual-species atom interferometer for precision test of the equivalence principle by measuring the Eotvos parameter, and identify the spin squeezing protocol that is best suited for such an experiment. For a space borne platform in low earth orbit, such a scheme may eventually enable the measurement of the Eotvos parameter with a sensitivity of the order of 10^(-20).
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Key words
accelerometer,equivalence principle,precision test,spin-squeezing-enhanced,dual-species
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