Tropical Cryptography Based on Multiple Exponentiation Problem of Matrices

Security and Communication Networks(2022)

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Because there is no multiplication of numbers in tropical algebra and the problem of solving the systems of polynomial equations in tropical algebra is NP-hard, in recent years some public key cryptography based on tropical semiring has been proposed. But most of them have some defects. This paper proposes new public key cryptosystems based on tropical matrices. The security of the cryptosystem relies on the difficulty of the problem of finding multiple exponentiations of tropical matrices given the product of the matrices powers when the subsemiring is hidden. This problem is a generalization of the discrete logarithm problem. But the problem generally cannot be reduced to discrete logarithm problem or hidden subgroup problem in polynomial time. Since the generating matrix of the used commutative subsemirings is hidden and the public key matrices are the product of more than two unknown matrices, the cryptosystems can resist KU attack and other known attacks. The cryptosystems based on multiple exponentiation problem can be considered as a potential postquantum cryptosystem.
multiple exponentiation problem,matrices
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