The Ďumbier – Prašivá high K calc-alkaline granite suite (Low Tatra Mts., Western Carpathians): Insights into their evolution from geochemistry and geochronology

Geologica Carpathica(2022)

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The geochemistry of major Low Tatra granitic types, namely Praiivi porphyritic Bt (biotite)-granodiorite and Dumbier Bt-tonalite, indicate their derivation from initial hybrid magmas and represent a mixture among several magma pulses formed via melting of the heterogeneous lower crust. The high K calc-alkaline peraluminous character, along with high Ba, Sr + LREE contents correspond to the partial melting of K-rich mafic and the intermediate hydrated lower crustal source in equilibrium with amphibole or possibly garnet with variable involvement of metasedimentary and/or felsic metaigneous sources. The zircon isotopic age of 360.4 +/- 2.7 Ma recorded from diatexite reflects the timing of high-temperature metamorphism of subducted continental crust, and thus corresponds in an initial anatectic process within the present Tatric Unit. The magmatic ages are in the largely overlapping sequence of 353 +/- 2 Ma for the bumbler tonalite and 352 +/- 3 Ma and 351.9 +/- 2.9 Ma for Prasiva Aln (allanite hearing)-subtype and Alm (monazite bearing)-subtypes, which indicate successive multiple emplacement of magma batches and natural evolution towards their more crustal character. Magmatism in the Low Tatra Mts. represents a post-collisional plutonic system related to the slab break-off mechanism described in the close Mali Fatra crystalline basement as well. Heat from mantle upwelling and volatiles from previous subduction forced the melting of the lower crust towards K-rich mafic or intermediate lithologics, as well as during the emplacement of long-lasting melting of felsic metasedimentary crustal sources. The crystalline core of the Low Tatra Mts. is another example of composite granite pluton in the Western Carpathians, which represents a product of the multiphase Late-Variscan post-collisional setting.
Western Carpathians,granitic rocks,Nizke Tatry crystalline basement,petrology. SIIRIMP dating,zircon,monazite
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