Evaluation of a new assistive technology: the StandBar


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Purpose Evaluate the potential of a wheelchair assistive technology (StandBar) to promote power wheelchair users' ability to safely stand independently from their power wheelchair and determine the impact of the device use on psychological well-being for both power wheelchair users and their caregivers. Materials and methods A convenience sample of 11 power wheelchair users and caregiver dyads provided study data. Participants included power wheelchair users who were existing StandBar users or currently in training with the StandBar as part of their rehabilitation. Assessments were conducted at baseline and at six-month follow-up and included physiological assessments and functional testing with and without the StandBar. Monthly follow-up phone calls were completed to collect information on adverse events (e.g., falls, hospitalizations, and skin breakdown). A qualitative interview assessed StandBar users' and caregivers' perception at six-month follow-up. Results and conclusions StandBar use provided power wheelchair users a higher level of independence, confidence, and safety. All participants highly recommended StandBar use to others with similar levels of functional impairment. StandBar use allowed many participants the ability to complete functional tasks that were otherwise not possible without assistance. Qualitative interviews reported improved independence and psychological well-being for StandBar users as well as reduced levels of anxiety and burden of care by caregivers. The StandBar is a cost-effective assistive technology that promotes independence and functionality for power wheelchair users and improves the psychological well-being of users and their caregivers.
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Key words
Power wheelchair users,assistive technology,passive standing,assistive device,standing device,independence,quality of life,caregiver burden
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