Targets of explanation in correctional and forensic psychology: A black box model

Aggression and Violent Behavior(2022)

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A particularly pressing problem in the correctional psychology domain is the failure to ask questions about what the targets of explanatory theories should be, and in light of this failure, researchers have arguably spent too much time constructing misdirected explanations. In this paper this issue is addressed. First, we briefly describe the aims and different phases of scientific research. Second, the explanatory dilemma currently facing researchers within the correctional domain is outlined: concentrating on crime related categories (offending types and criminal behavior) versus psychological and social ones that are conceptually distant from criminal behavior. Third, we explore the offence solution to this problem in more detail, concluding that it is fruitless to continue basing explanations only on categories of offences or offending behavior. Fourth, we examine the possible solution of shifting the focus to psychological and social problems evident in people who have committed crime. Fifth, we present our solution to the problem of selecting explanatory targets based on the concept of black boxes. Finally, we conclude the paper with a brief discussion of the research and practice implications of our solution.
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Key words
Explanations of crime,Explanatory targets,Black boxes,Correctional psychology
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