
Role and mechanism of miR-548-3p/DAG1 in the occurrence and malignant transformation of laryngeal carcinoma.

Jia Chen, Yu Lin Zhou,Ke Wen,Shi Huang,Nan Hou,Ling Wang, Yi Wang


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The AMC-HN-8 cell line and the primary human laryngeal epithelial cell lines were utilized in this work to explore the molecular mechanism of miR-548-3p regulating the gene DAG1 to induce the occurrence and malignant transformation of laryngeal carcinoma. Non-coding RNA miR-548-3p overexpression plasmid, interference plasmid and blank plasmid were constructed, and the plasmids were transfected into AMC-HN-8 cells, respectively. Meanwhile, a non-transfected plasmid group and a human laryngeal epithelial primary cell group were set up. Five groups of cells were named as NC (Normal control), Model, Ov-miR-548-3p, Sh-miR-548-3p and Blank-plasmid group. The luciferase reporter experiment was used to analyze the regulation characteristics of hsa-miR-548-3p on dystrophin-associated glycoprotein 1 (DAG1). Immunofluorescence was used to analyze the relative expression characteristics of the protein DAG1. The cell cloning experiment was used to analyze the proliferation characteristics of AMC-HN-8. The scratch healing test was used to analyze the migration ability of AMC-HN-8. The transwell test was used to analyze the invasion ability of AMC-HN-8. The RT-PCR was used to analyze the expression level of miR-548-3p. Western blot experiments were used to analyze the expression of protein DAG1, laminin alpha 2 (LAMA2) and utrophin (UTRN). The luciferase report experiment and immunofluorescence test found that the expression of DAG1 and miR-548-3p are positively correlated. Cell cloning, scratching and migration experiments identified that the activity of laryngeal cancer cells was positively correlated with the expression of DAG1. The results of Western blot analysis further strengthened the above conclusions. Through carrying out research on the cellular levels, our work has demonstrated that miR-548-3p regulated the content of protein DAG1, and then further induced malignant transformation of laryngeal carcinoma.
laryngeal cancer, hsa-miR-548-3p, DAG1
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