Impact of geometrical parameters on SGEMP responses in cylinder model

Nuclear Engineering and Technology(2022)

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This paper is aimed to find out the impact of the geometrical parameters, mainly the radius and the height of a cylinder, on the SGEMP response including the famous scaling law in the classical cylinder model using a homemade PIC code UNIPIC-3D. We computed the electric fields at the center and at the edge on the emission head face with different radii and heights under normal X-rays incidence. The results show that the electric field will increase with the radius but decrease with the height. We analyze the scaling law that links the electric field product and fluence product, and whereafter an irreconcilable contradiction raises when the radius is changeable, which limits the application range of the scaling law. Moreover, the field-height-radius relation is found and described by a combination of logarithmic and minus one-quarter numerical fitting law firstly. Particle and magnetic field distributions are used to explain all the behaviors of the fields reasonably. All the findings will assist the evaluation of SGEMP response in spacecraft protection.
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Key words
Geometrical parameter,SGEMP,Scaling law,Particle distribution,Cylinder model
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