A new variety from Sichuan, China-Paris polyphylla var. nullopetalina (Trilliaceae)

Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences(2022)

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This paper succinctly describes and then illustrates the species Paris polyphylla Smith var. nullopetalina J. L. Liu et Y. Yuan, which is a new variety of Trilliaceae found in Sichuan Province in Southwestern China. It is closely related to Paris polyphylla Smith var. panxiensis J. L. Liu, Paris polyphylla Smith var. stenophylla Franch and Paris polyphylla Smith var. minora S. F. Wang. The distinguishing features that can be used to identify this variety are as follows: the leaf blade is narrowly long, fasciate and crisped-margined, but differs in having leaves that are sessile, with petals absent, ovary tetragonal, and stigma erect and never curved.
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Paris, Paris polyphylla Smith var. nullopetalina J. L. Liu et Y. Yuan, Trilliaceae, new variety, China
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