Digital image analysis of fluorescence of ceramic veneers with different ceramic materials and resin cements.

Jiao Zhang,Qing Yu

Dental materials journal(2022)

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The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of the type of ceramics and resin cements on the fluorescence of ceramic veneers under the 405 nm UV-light by digital imaging. One hundred and ninety-two veneers were fabricated using three types of ceramics (IPS e.max CAD, IPS Empress CAD, and Zenostar). Eight pieces of substrates were made of resin-nano-ceramic (Lava Ultimate). The level of fluorescence for each sample cemented with the substrate using three kinds of resin cements (RelyX U200, Variolink N, and Choice 2) was analyzed by using histogram data of luminosity from Adobe Photoshop software. Furthermore, the fluorescence values were evaluated by two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test. The highest fluorescence values were observed for the IPS e.max CAD cemented with Choice 2 cement, followed by IPS Empress CAD, and Zenostar the lowest. The final fluorescence intensity of ceramic veneer is affected by ceramic materials and resin cements.
Digital image,Fluorescence,Resin cements,UV-light,Veneers
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